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“Retires Employees Liberalized Health Scheme-1997 ('RELHS-1997”).

As per IRMM Para 612 A Sub-Section (11) Retired Employees 


(1) Retired Railway employees covered under RELHS-97 will be provided with full medical facilities as admissible to serving employees in respect of medical treatment, investigations, diet, and reimbursement of claims for treatment in Govt. or recognized non railway hospitals. They will also be eligible for

a) ambulance services

b) medical passes

c) home visits

d) medical attendance for first two pregnancies of married daughters at concessional rates and

e) treatment of private servants as applicable to serving railway employees.


Note: (i) Those who join the RELHS-97 shall hold identity cards with photographs of all the beneficiaries.


 (ii)For the purpose of d) of subpara (1)above special identification cards will be issued duly affixing photographs of married daughters with clear instructions on the card which shall read " ONLY FOR CONFINEMENT AND TREATMENT DURING ANTE-NATAL AND POST NATAL PERIODS FOR THE FIRST TWO PREGNANCIES AT CONCESSIONAL RATES"


(2) Eligibility: Minimum 20 years of qualifying service in the Railways will be necessary for joining the scheme and the following categories of persons will be eligible to join the same: Condition of minimum of 20 years of qualifying service for joining RELHS-97 is not applicable in the case of medically invalidated employees and the spouses of employees who die in harness. 13.50% of the period from the date of 'Temporary Status' to the date of 'regularization' in respect of Ex-casual labors will be counted for the purpose of 20 years qualifying service for joining RELHS – 97.


(i) All serving Railway employees desirous of joining the scheme will be eligible to join it in accordance with the procedure laid down herein under “Mode of Joining”,


(ii) All retired Railway employees who were members of the old RELHS will automatically be included in the RELHS ’97.


(iii) Spouse of the Railway employee who dies in harness. These orders are not applicable to those Railway servants who quit service by resignation.

(3) Family/Dependents

Definition of ‘family’ for the purpose of this scheme will be the same as in respect of the serving Railway employees. The definition of “dependent” will be the same as in the Pass Rules.


(4) Rate of contribution

a) For joining RELHS ’97, one time contribution equal to the last month’s basic pay will have to be made at the time of retirement by those opting to join the scheme. The persons who are already members of the existing RELHS are not required to make any fresh payment. However, those who have joined the existing RELHS after 1.1.96 will have to pay the difference of one time contribution on account of introduction of 5th pay commission’s revised pay scales i.e. 1.1.96. It will be the responsibility of the Railway Administration to realize the amount due from the concerned RELHS members.

b) In respect of pre 96 retirees the basis for the one time contribution will be the revised pension drawn by the retired railway employee for joining the RELHS-97. The rate of contribution shall be calculated as under.

i) a) For employees who retired before 1-1-96: Revised basic pension as on 1-1-96 including commuted value (Gross pension) multiplied by the figure of two. (b) all those who retired prior to 1.1.96 and joined RELHS between 1.1.96 and 30.9.96 are required to pay a one time contribution equal to their last pay drawn.

ii) For family pensioners: A sum equivalent to double the amount of their revised normal family pension as on 1-1-96 147

iii) For SRPF Optees : For those SRPF Optees or their widows for whom ex-gratia payment has been approved on the basis of the recommendations of the V CPC, a onetime contribution at twice the ex-gratia monthly payment may be deposited. (Rly Bd's Letter NO2000/H/28/1(RELHS) dt 23-06-2000)




(5) Mode of Joining


a) All employees will have to give their option to join the RELHS ’97 at least 3 months prior to their date of retirement. The option given once will be treated as final. No further chance will be given subsequent to retirement.


b) Such of the post 1-1-96 retirees who have not yet joined the scheme will be given another chance to join as announced from time to time.


c) For pre 1-1-96 retirees there is no cut-off date for joining RELHS-97. However they have to pay the contribution at rates mentioned in the preceding paragraphs.


d) Members of RECHS will also have the option to switch over to RELHS ’97 by making payments as mentioned in sub-Para (4) above before 31-12-99.

(Authority: Ministry of Railways letter No.91/H/28/1 dated 23.10.97, dt. 26/03/1999 and 97/H/28/1 dt. 17-05-1999)

Railway Board Decision

1. RELHS-97 is mandatory for all Railway employees retiring on or after 31-5-2012.


2. The RELHS-97 Scheme will remain open ended for all retired employees/their spouses, in case where the employee retired/died in harness up to 31.05.2012, with a lock-in period of 6 months for referral outside the Railway Hospital with the rider that this lock-in period can be relaxed only in an emergency provided the patient is either admitted or visits the Railway Hospital and the facilities for the treatment are not available in Railway Hospital. Such referrals are to be processed only on recommendation of a specialty constituted Medical Board. Further, for employees /their spouses and eligible dependents in the cases where the employee retired/died in harness, from 01/06/2012 onwards, joining RELHS Scheme shall remain mandatory.

(Vide Rly. B. L. No.2011/H/28/1/RELHS/Court case Dt 24/11/2021)

3. The rate of subscription for joining RELHS will be “double the updated monthly basic pension as on date for giving the application for joining RELHS Scheme. The same rate applies for the spouse of the Railway Employee who died in harness up to 31/5/2012.


4. Mandatory Subscription deduction from DCRG Bill at the time of superannuation:

Level 1-5: Rs. 30,000/-

Level 6: Rs.54,000/-

Level 7-11: Rs. 78,000/-

Level 12 and above: Rs. 1,20,000/-